Monday 29 August 2016

Welcome to Mrs. Hertner's English Class

This is my class blog.  On this blog, I will post lots of information like when assignments are due or new websites that might be useful.  You can sign up to get emails when I post something.

Each student would benefit from having their own technology (Chromebook).  We will be using them every day.  There are a few Chromebooks in the class to share.  Since we are using Chromebooks in class, your child does not need to have a binder or paper.  Your child will also need earbuds or headphones for class.

The students will be using their Hapara Workspace.  You can find this in the Student Portal.  In their workspace, you will find all their assignments and marks.

I start off every class with 10 minutes of silent reading.  It is easier if they have their own books or magazines to read.  For this task, they will not be allowed to read off their phones or computers.  They will need a hard copy of the book.

The easiest way to reach me is by email,  If it is easier to reach you by email, please send me an email with your address.  Also, your child will need your email addresses so they can send you monthly updates on their progress.