Friday 2 December 2016

December 5-9, 2016

This will be a very busy for the students.

1.  They are working collaboratively online (something new) to create either a video script or a podcast script about Christmas traditions.  The students are collaborating through Google Hangouts, emails or Google chat.  I am hoping this will teach them a little about communicating clearly through typed words.

2.  The students are also listening to different podcasts and writing summaries.

3.  The students will be writing emails this week to you.  A note will go home on Monday in their agenda.  Please take the time to fill in your (PARENT) email address.


  • charge those laptops daily
  • bring in headphones/earbuds
  • do homework - complete assignments in your different workspaces

The week of December 12-16, 2016
  1. Sharing scripts with other classes for editing
  2. Recording either their podcast or video